Our friend and fellow member Peter Phillips died on 22 November 2020. Committee member Charlie Hogg writes:
“Peter was a remarkable man and an inspiration to so many members in the Edinburgh & West Lothian Support Groups as he fought and won his fight against Advanced Prostate Cancer for 30 years. He fought so many battles for his own health and with some of the medical professionals whom he felt did not fully understand the patient insights and feedback.
He was an advocate and campaigner to help create a greater awareness of the need for men to understand the background to Prostate Cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments.
Everyone said he was a ‘lovely man’ who shared his knowledge unselfishly with so many others who found his experience so beneficial and interesting. He was considered ‘a legend’ in our Support Groups as his stories throughout the years helped inspire so many men to overcome the gloom of their diagnosis and to fight to keep as much of their lives as normal as possible.
Peter was a very busy man-running his own business, his family, his Jewish Faith but still giving unstintingly of his time to Prostate Cancer matters. He said ‘I haven’t time to die’ and he seemed indestructible.
Definitely a ‘one off’ who will be missed by many.”