Edinburgh Meetings
Our Edinburgh meetings are usually held on a Thursday evening at the Maggie's Centre, in the grounds of the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh (address is Western General Hospital, The Stable, Crewe Road, Edinburgh EH4 2XU. Please note that dates for future meetings in Edinburgh and guest speakers will be posted here: All our meetings start at 7.00 pm and conclude before 9 pm.
The dates for our forthcoming meetings are:
12 September 2024:
7th November 2024: Speaker TBC
6th February 2025: Speaker TBC
3rd April 2025: Speaker TBC
5th June 2025: AGM and Speaker TBC
Speakers will be updated in due course.
Please see our meetings and events calendar for more information here
West Lothian Meetings
West Lothian meetings are held regularly on a Thursday evening at the Crofthead Community Centre, Templar Rise, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6DG (tel 01506 775991). For further details on how to get to the Crofthead Community Centre, please click here to download detailed directions. The meetings start at 7.00 pm and you can be assured of a very warm welcome. If you would like to attend a meeting in West Lothian and you would like more information, please contact Gordon Stuart either by e-mail at gordon@kmorgans.co.uk or by phone on 01506 651388
Meeting dates for 2024:
25 July: We will be joined by two guest speakers on this date:
1-Elaine Stewart from Prostate Scotland: Elaine will provide an "Update from Prostate Scotland"
2-Catherine Purves from Carers of West Lothian: Catherine will give a talk on "Carers of West Lothian"
17 October: We will be joined by Professor Imran Ahmad, from Cancer Research UK, Beatson Institute, Glasgow.
Please see our meetings and events calendar for more information here
Edinburgh Walking Group
The Edinburgh and Lothian Prostate Cancer Support Group Walking Group exists to provide men who have or have had prostate cancer with the opportunity to take part in an organised walk with others in the same boat. The walks are usually of around 7 miles in length, and they begin with coffee and a bacon roll (other edible items are available!) and finish with a late lunch at our destination. The walks are at an easy pace and as well as providing an excellent opportunity to get exercise, it's a great chance to enjoy convivial chat and put the world to right!
If you are interested in coming along to one of our future walks, please e-mail us at elpcsg@gmail.com