On 19th February 2021, a new graphic novel and research about personalised cancer treatment was launched. Personalised Cancer Medicine outlines the research conducted by the Cancer and Society in the 21st Century project, funded by the Wellcome Trust. This collaboration between the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow and the University of Leeds explored how rapid developments in cancer research and care are changing what it’s like to be a cancer patient.
The research team worked with storytelling experts Ziggy’s Wish to produce a graphic novel, Tailored Treatments, about the work. They also ran a workshop where people affected by personalised cancer treatments were supported to create their own pieces of design to tell their own stories, and one of our members, Alasdair Ferguson, took part in this workshop.
The Tailored Treatments website (click here) hosts the Tailored Treatments for Cancer public engagement resources developed by the Centre of Biomedicine, Self and Society in collaboration with Ziggy’s Wish as part of the Cancer and Society in the 21st Century study, and funded through a ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award. Here you can read the book, watch the workshop video and learn all about this fascinating project.
Read more about the whole project on the University of Edinburgh website, click here