If you approve of our accomplishments and ongoing efforts, please consider making a donation to the Edinburgh and Lothian Prostate Cancer Support Group.
Our funds go towards Projects that help us achieve our Goals. This could be the purchase of innovative equipment for hospitals and clinics within our area, provision of new services, awareness of the group and its aims, improving supports and information resources for men with Prostate Cancer and maintaining our help line and patient support/buddy system. We raise awareness of Prostate Cancer amongst the local population. We have very low administrative costs, due to the generosity of local organisations and our unpaid committee members and volunteers. All our funds are aimed at helping local Prostate Cancer patients.
- How to make a donation…
Cheques should be made out to ” Edinburgh & Lothian Prostate Cancer Support Group” and sent to the Treasurer (see contact details below) . If you are making a donation in respect of a specific event, please write the name of the event on the reverse of your cheque.
Sponsored Events
If you are raising funds through a sponsored event, please contact us for help and support – info@elpcsg.co.uk
To Contact ELPCSG Treasurer
Telephone Jim Woodhead our Treasurer on 0131 332 0486 or mobile 07954379846 or email info@elpcsg.co.uk for details of where to send sponsor form/cheques etc.